3D Visualisation
import geolime as geo
import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
In order to use interactive 3D, please change the backend from 'static' to 'trame'. In order to do so, see PyVista documentation about Jupyter Notebook Plotting.
dh = geo.datasets.load("rocklea_dome/dh_hyper.geo")
bm = geo.datasets.load("rocklea_dome/bm_panel.geo")
ore_domain = geo.datasets.load("rocklea_dome/domain_mesh.dxf")
Basic Visualization¶
GeoLime objects can be exported to PyVista and visualized in 3 dimensions. Here the Drillholes is exported with the "Fe_pct" property into pyvista. The Solid representing the ore domain is also exported.
dh_pv = dh.to_pyvista('Fe_pct')
bm_pv = bm.to_pyvista()
ore_domain_pv = ore_domain.to_pyvista()
A simple plot of the two objects can be perfomed using the following snippet dddd
p = pv.Plotter()
p.add_mesh(ore_domain_pv, color='blue')
p.add_mesh(bm_pv, opacity=0.3, show_edges=True)
- Drillholes are by default displayed as lines, and can be represented as cylinder.
- Usually in geoscience, XY extent is much larger than Z extent and a scaling ratio must be used.
The previous snippet can be updated in order to take theses two points into account.
p = pv.Plotter()
p.add_mesh(ore_domain_pv, color='blue')
p.add_mesh(bm_pv, opacity=0.3, show_edges=True)
More plotting configuaration are available on the PyVista Plotting Documentation.
Cross Section¶
Orthogonal Cross Section¶
slices_dh = dh_pv.tube(radius=10).slice(normal="y", origin=[0, 7475600, 0])
slices_bm = bm_pv.slice(normal="y", origin=[0, 7475600, 0])
slices_ore_domain_pv = ore_domain_pv.slice(normal="y", origin=[0, 7475600, 0])
p = pv.Plotter()
p.add_mesh(slices_bm, opacity=0.3, show_edges=True)
p.add_mesh(slices_ore_domain_pv, color='blue')
Free Form Cross Section¶
However, drillholes data do lie perfectly on the same East-West or North-South lines as there might be some differences in the planned location compared to the drilled location. PyVista allows then to select data along a free form line. We select some holes along an East-West section, here the comprehension list create a list of consecutive holeid.
east_section = [f"RKC4{elt}" for elt in np.arange(60, 76)]
['RKC460', 'RKC461', 'RKC462', 'RKC463', 'RKC464', 'RKC465', 'RKC466', 'RKC467', 'RKC468', 'RKC469', 'RKC470', 'RKC471', 'RKC472', 'RKC473', 'RKC474', 'RKC475']
x_cross = dh.data("X_COLLAR", f"(HOLEID in {east_section})")
y_cross = dh.data("Y_COLLAR", f"(HOLEID in {east_section})")
z_cross = dh.data("Z_COLLAR", f"(HOLEID in {east_section})")
pts_pv = pv.PointSet(np.unique(np.vstack([x_cross, y_cross, z_cross]).T, axis=0))
spl = pv.Spline(np.unique(np.vstack([x_cross, y_cross, z_cross]).T, axis=0), 30)
slices_ore_domain = ore_domain_pv.slice_along_line(spl)
slices_dh = dh_pv.tube(radius=10).slice_along_line(spl)
slices_bm = bm_pv.slice_along_line(spl)
p = pv.Plotter()
p.add_mesh(slices_ore_domain, color='blue')
p.add_mesh(slices_dh, line_width=2)
p.add_mesh(slices_bm, opacity=0.3, show_edges=True)
p.add_mesh(pts_pv, color='green', point_size=10)