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Bug Fixes🍋

Issue Ref Summary Description
269 compute_block_proportion_inside_solid creates an unexpected region Fix typo in function in order not to create an unwanted region.
270 Variomap has values of semivariance equals to 0 and displays it in a black color Bins with no value in variomap have been removed in order to improve graphhics clarity.
[No Ref] Fix Unconditional SGS run Unconditional SGS could not be run because of optional input data.


Issue Ref Summary Description
[No Ref] Adding cell_size option for GriddedSurface to bypass inference Similarly than BlockModel it is now possible to specify a fixed cell size for GriddedSurface.
[No Ref] Adding NUM_PROCS option in Project config New enum to control the number of CPU used by the SGS solver.
70 Copy object and keep only specific properties and region Add a copy method to be able to clone objects keeping all or only specific properties.
[No Ref] Update dependencies compatibility Update compatibility with latest versions of dependencies allowing the use of geopandas v1 and shapely v2.
279 Export object to pyvista in a specific region Add region parameter for to_pyvista method.
[No Ref] Adding cell_size option for block_model_from_file to bypass inference Extend BlockModel creation with given cell to direct load from csv.
[No Ref] Updating notebooks docs Adding a notebook titled "how_to_use_properties_and_regions.ipynb" to enhance the documentation about these objects.

New Features🍋

Issue Ref Summary Description
257 Syntax shortcut for set property and set property expr Add a setter shortcut for "set_property" and "set_property_expr" in ObjectMixin class.
260 Remove a list of property in object It is now possible to remove several attributes at the same time by giving a list of names. The removing methods do not return boolean anymore. An error is raised if the attribute does not exist or just cannot be removed.
263 Attribute renaming It is now possible to rename one or more attributes, properties or regions.
268 Create a property initiliazed with region Create a property and associate an expresion for a specific region, with the remaining data set to default value.
267 Add region parameter for sample and element counting It is now possible to set a region parameter as a filter for counting elements and samples.
276 Geostat algorithm refactoring to allow for static API Enbale the possibility to use the solvers with numpy arrays only.
[No Ref] SGS now runs in parallel (multi-processes) SGS realizations are now parallelized using the number of available CPU by default.

⚠ Breaking changes🍋

Changes due to dependencies upgrade:

  • GISObject made with gis_from_gridded_surface method now have geometries in reverse order du to Shapely v2 upgrade.
  • The removing methods do not return boolean anymore. An error is raised if the attribute does not exist or just cannot be removed.