Project config variables can now also be specified at startup through environment variable
Any environment variable starting with GEOLIME_CONFIG_ or GEOLIME_FLAG_ will automatically set the project config accordingly (use CONFIG for string value et FLAG for boolean values).
Implement downscaling method in BlockModel, Voxel and GriddedSurface allowing to create the same object with a smaller cell size using a discretisation factor.
gauss_score now relies on SciKit Learn to perform the quantile transformation.
gauss_score weights parameter weights has been removed as its implementation was bug prone too complicated to use.
Anamorphosis weights parameter weights has been removed as it directly relies on the gauss_score function.
Anamorphosis maximum and minimum values (respectively data_min and data_max) were removed as their implementation was too complicated to use. Now default to the minimum and maximum values of the data.