LUC has been optimized to provide a x25 performance gain.
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Improved experimental variography algorithms
Variography has been optimized to provide a x50 performance gain on speed and a drastic reduction of the memory footprint (e.g. 100k points yields 1.5Go of RAM vs 40Go previously).
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Variography plots color configuration
It is now possible to configure the varioplot so that the model and experimental variogram colors match.
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Pretty printing no longer print string methods
Pretty print display is no longer cluttered by all Python str methods.
multi-threading in ON by default using all available cores. To force a specific number of cores, specify the environment variable JULIA_NUM_THREADS (e.g. JULIA_NUM_THREADS=8 python To turn multi-threading OFF, use JULIA_NUM_THREADS=1.
Vario chunk_size parameter in variogram function has been removed as enhancements allow for faster computation and memory efficiency.