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How to use Enums

Enums can be used in functions as python object (int, float or strings) or as GeoLime attribute.

For example

import geolime as geo
cov = geo.Spherical()
is equivalent to
import geolime as geo
cov = geo.Spherical()

AggregationMethod 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Available methods for data aggregation. See Pandas for definition of methods.

AggregationMethod List

  • AggregationMethod.ALL "all"
  • AggregationMethod.ANY "any"
  • AggregationMethod.BACKFILL "backfill"
  • AggregationMethod.BFILL "bfill"
  • AggregationMethod.CORRWITH "corrwith"
  • AggregationMethod.COUNT "count"
  • AggregationMethod.CUMCOUNT "cumcount"
  • AggregationMethod.CUMMAX "cummax"
  • AggregationMethod.CUMMIN "cummin"
  • AggregationMethod.CUMPROD "cumprod"
  • AggregationMethod.CUMSUM "cumsum"
  • AggregationMethod.DIFF "diff"
  • AggregationMethod.FFILL "ffill"
  • AggregationMethod.FILLNA "fillna"
  • AggregationMethod.FIRST "first"
  • AggregationMethod.IDXMAX "idxmax"
  • AggregationMethod.IDXMIN "idxmin"
  • AggregationMethod.LAST "last"
  • AggregationMethod.MAD "mad"
  • AggregationMethod.MAX "max"
  • AggregationMethod.MEAN "mean"
  • AggregationMethod.MEDIAN "median"
  • AggregationMethod.MIN "min"
  • AggregationMethod.NGROUP "ngroup"
  • AggregationMethod.NTH "nth"
  • AggregationMethod.NUNIQUE "nunique"
  • AggregationMethod.PAD "pad"
  • AggregationMethod.PCT_CHANGE "pct_change"
  • AggregationMethod.PROD "prod"
  • AggregationMethod.QUANTILE "quantile"
  • AggregationMethod.RANK "rank"
  • AggregationMethod.SEM "sem"
  • AggregationMethod.SHIFT "shift"
  • AggregationMethod.SIZE "size"
  • AggregationMethod.SKEW "skew"
  • AggregationMethod.STD "std"
  • AggregationMethod.SUM "sum"
  • AggregationMethod.TSHIFT "tshift"
  • AggregationMethod.VAR "var"

AngleDirection 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Angle directions.

AngleDirection List

  • VariographyMethod.CW "CW"
  • VariographyMethod.CCW "CCW"

AngleUnit 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Angle units.

AngleUnit List

  • AngleUnit.DEG "DEGREE"
  • AngleUnit.RAD "RAD"

Attribute 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Available attributes for mapping.

Attribute List

  • Attribute.X_COLLAR "X_COLLAR"
  • Attribute.Y_COLLAR "Y_COLLAR"
  • Attribute.Z_COLLAR "Z_COLLAR"
  • Attribute.X_B "X_B"
  • Attribute.Y_B "Y_B"
  • Attribute.Z_B "Z_B"
  • Attribute.X_M "X_M"
  • Attribute.Y_M "Y_M"
  • Attribute.Z_M "Z_M"
  • Attribute.X_E "X_E"
  • Attribute.Y_E "Y_E"
  • Attribute.Z_E "Z_E"
  • Attribute.FROM "FROM"
  • Attribute.TO "TO"
  • Attribute.HOLEID "HOLEID"
  • Attribute.AZIMUTH "AZIMUTH"
  • Attribute.DIP "DIP"
  • Attribute.GEOMETRY "geometry"

AttributeSupportType 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Attribute support types.

AttributeSupportType List

  • AttributeSupportType.NODE "NODE"
  • AttributeSupportType.ELEMENT "ELEMENT"

Config 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Configuration options used by GeoLime.

Config List


Coord 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Available coordinates types.

Enum List

  • Coord.X "X"
  • Coord.Y "Y"
  • Coord.Z "Z"

  • Coord.U "U"

  • Coord.V "V"
  • Coord.W "W"

CovarianceType 🍋

Bases: int, Enum

Covariances types id, used in julia-python data transfer.

CovarianceType List

  • CovarianceType.SPHERICAL 0
  • CovarianceType.NUGGET 1
  • CovarianceType.EXPONENTIAL 2
  • CovarianceType.GAUSSIAN 3

DeclusteringGeometry 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Method used for moving window declustering.

DeclusteringGeometry List

  • DeclusteringGeometry.BALL "BALL"

DesurveyingMethod 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Desurveying Method

DesurveyingMethod List

  • DesurveyingMethod.MINIMUM_CURVATURE "MinimumCurvature"
  • DesurveyingMethod.TANGENTIAL "Tangential"
  • DesurveyingMethod.LINEAR "Linear"

DipDownward 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Convention used for dip sign downward.

DipDownward List


DrillholesInterpolationMethod 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Interpolation method available for drillholes contact filling from incomplete drillhole information.

DrillholesInterpolationMethod List

  • DrillholesInterpolationMethod.RBF "RBF"
  • DrillholesInterpolationMethod.NEAREST "NEAREST"

ExternalSurfaceInterpolationMethod 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

External (ie: Scipy) Interpolation method available for surface creation from drillholes.

ExternalSurfaceInterpolationMethod List

  • ExternalSurfaceInterpolationMethod.RBF "RBF"
  • ExternalSurfaceInterpolationMethod.NEAREST "NEAREST"

ExtrapolationMethod 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Extrapolation method for functions out of bounds.

ExtrapolationMethod List

  • ExtrapolationMethod.CONSTANT "CONSTANT"
  • ExtrapolationMethod.NULL "NULL"

GeolimeSurfaceInterpolationMethod 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

GeoLime Interpolation method available for surface creation from drillholes.

GeolimeSurfaceInterpolationMethod List

  • GeolimeSurfaceInterpolationMethod.SIMPLE_KRIGING "SimpleKriging"
  • GeolimeSurfaceInterpolationMethod.ORDINARY_KRIGING "OrdinaryKriging"

GeostatsBackend 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Backend used for geostatistical computation.

GeostatsBackend List

  • GeostatsBackend.PYTHON "python"
  • GeostatsBackend.JULIA "julia"

GridAxis 🍋

Bases: int, Enum

Integer values for axis along available dimensions.

GridAxis List

  • GridAxis.U 0
  • GridAxis.V 1
  • GridAxis.W 2

HistogramNormalisationMethod 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Specify how to normalise histogram plot.

HistogramNormalisationMethod List

  • HistogramNormalisationMethod.COUNT ""
  • HistogramNormalisationMethod.PERCENT "percent"
  • HistogramNormalisationMethod.PROBABILITY "probability"
  • HistogramNormalisationMethod.DENSITY "density"
  • HistogramNormalisationMethod.PROBABILITY_DENSITY "probability density"

NumericalConstants 🍋

Bases: float, Enum

Global constants used in algorithms.

NumericalConstants List

  • NumericalConstants.GAUSSIAN_5_SIGMA 1e-7
  • NumericalConstants.NDV -99999

PropertyKind 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Available property kind (see ObjectProperty class).

PropertyKind List

  • PropertyKind.GEOMETRY "GEOMETRY"
  • PropertyKind.INDEX "INDEX"
  • PropertyKind.LENGTH "LENGTH"
  • PropertyKind.HEIGHT "HEIGHT"
  • PropertyKind.GRADE "GRADE"
  • PropertyKind.ANGLE "ANGLE"
  • PropertyKind.LABEL "LABEL"

RegionAggregationMethod 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Determine how to keep/delete region in aggregated XY based on condition.

RegionAggregationMethod List

  • RegionAggregationMethod.ANY "Any"
  • RegionAggregationMethod.ALL "All"

ScatterMethod 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Scatter Method

ScatterMethod List

  • ScatterMethod.HISTOGRAM "Histogram"
  • ScatterMethod.DISTRIBUTION_CURVE "DistributionCurve"

SurfaceEstimationMethod 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Method used for surface interpolation : elevation or thickness.

SurfaceEstimationMethod List

  • SurfaceEstimationMethod.ELEVATION "ELEVATION"
  • SurfaceEstimationMethod.THICKNESS "THICKNESS"

TopologicalElementIndex 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Reserved names for topological node index property.

TopologicalElementIndex List

  • TopologicalElementIndex.V1 "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V1__"
  • TopologicalElementIndex.V2 "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V2__"
  • TopologicalElementIndex.V3 "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V3__"
  • TopologicalElementIndex.V4 "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V4__"
  • TopologicalElementIndex.V5 "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V5__"
  • TopologicalElementIndex.V6 "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V6__"
  • TopologicalElementIndex.V7 "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V7__"
  • TopologicalElementIndex.V8 "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V8__"

TopologicalElementType 🍋

Bases: int, Enum

Available element type for Topology (follow .msh convention).

TopologicalElementType List

  • TopologicalElementType.NDV -99999
  • TopologicalElementType.EDGE 1
  • TopologicalElementType.TRIANGLE 2
  • TopologicalElementType.QUAD 3
  • TopologicalElementType.TETRA 4
  • TopologicalElementType.HEX 5
  • TopologicalElementType.PRISM 6
  • TopologicalElementType.PYRAMID 7

TopologicalProperty 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

String reserved property name for topological properties.

TopologicalProperty List

  • TopologicalProperty.TYPE "__TOPO_TYPE__"
  • TopologicalProperty.LEVEL "__TOPO_LEVEL__"

UnitKind 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Available units.

UnitKind List

  • UnitKind.LENGTH "LENGTH"
  • UnitKind.AREA "AREA"
  • UnitKind.ANGLE "ANGLE"

VarioFitWeightingMethod 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Weighting Method.

VarioFitWeightingMethod List

  • VarioFitWeightingMethod.INVERSE_DISTANCE "InverseDistance"
  • VarioFitWeightingMethod.SQUARED_INVERSE_DISTANCE "SquaredInverseDistance"

VariographyMethod 🍋

Bases: StrEnum

Variogram calculation methods.

VariographyMethod List


Last update: 2022-12-09