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Bug Fixes🍋

Issue Ref Summary Description
232 Compositing on deviated Drillholes outputs vertical Drillholes Fix compositing on deviated drillholes to output a deviated composited drillholes.
231 Surface import from DXF without "3DFace" or "AcDbPolyFaceMeshVertex" leads to meaningless error Trying to import DXF file without mesh information now raises appropriate message to user.
233 Kriging on empty regions leads to meaningless error Add check to dynamic region condition in order to validate the presence of data.
237 Block Model downscale does not transfer regions information Add region tranfer in downscale method.
245 Import .geo file with a subset of given properties Add the attributes parameters in to_file method and read_file function in order to export or import a GeoLime objects with only a subset of its attributes.


Issue Ref Summary Description
[No Ref] Improve IDW Replace Anisotropic Distance parameter by Neighborhood Ellipsoid.
[No Ref] Block Model can now have fixed cell size A cell_size parameter may be used to enforce a specific cell size and bypass the cell size inference.
[No Ref] AziDipPitch convention with optional angle boundaries check Checking angle boundaries for Azimuth, Dip, Pitch is now optional.
[No Ref] Upgrade to Python 3.11 Update Enum to be compatible with Python 3.11.
[No Ref] Improve Metric & Convention Update Metric and Convention in order to allow user defined convention for geostatistics algorithms.
[No Ref] Add option to create group with similar panel anamorphosis value in LUC New parameter slope_anamorphosis_classes allowing the user to use the same panel anamorphosis value for a group of panel.
239 Speed Up Desurveying Improve Minimum Curvature and Tangential desurveying speed of about 10 times.
240 Improve declustering performance Improve Moving Window Declustering for ball and parallelepiped geometry.

New Features🍋

Issue Ref Summary Description
[No Ref] Downhole Experimental Variogram Add downhole experimental variogram.

⚠ Breaking changes🍋

Minor changes in IO:

  • read_file now has an optional parameter attributes as second arguments and version is now third argument.
  • to_file now has an optional second parameter attributes.
  • GeoLime 2.2 drops support for Python 3.8

Last update: 2024-09-13