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Bug Fixes🍋

Issue Ref Summary Description


Issue Ref Summary Description
[No Ref] Add centroid property on GeoRefObject Allow to direclty acces centroid of a GeoRefObject.
[No Ref] Add centroid property on GISObject Allow to direclty acces centroid of a GISObject.
185 Allow region selection in plots Add the option to plot data only in given region when possible.
[No Ref] Update dependencies Update dependencies to latest versions.

New Features🍋

Issue Ref Summary Description
188 Allow export of Metric to pyvista for 3D visualisation Allow to export ellipsoid of Metric to a Pyvista object.
189 Export GISObject to GeoJSON Enable export of GISOBject to GeoJSON, simplifying use for the web.
190 Export Surface to DXF Add to_dxf method for Surface objects.
206 Add describe methods for objects Add describe pandas-like method for GeoRefObject and GISObject.

Last update: 2023-10-23