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AggregationMethod (str, Enum) 🍋

Available methods for data aggregation.

Source code in geolime/base/
class AggregationMethod(str, Enum):
    Available methods for data aggregation.

    MIN     = "min"     # noqa: E-221
    MAX     = "max"     # noqa: E-221
    SUM     = "sum"     # noqa: E-221
    MEAN    = "mean"    # noqa: E-221

AngleDirection (str, Enum) 🍋

Angle directions.

Source code in geolime/base/
class AngleDirection(str, Enum):
    Angle directions.

    CW      = "CW"  # clockwise             # noqa: E-221
    CCW     = "CCW"  # counter-clockwise    # noqa: E-221

AngleUnit (str, Enum) 🍋

Angle units.

Source code in geolime/base/
class AngleUnit(str, Enum):
    Angle units.

    DEG = "DEGREE"
    RAD = "RAD"

Attribute (str, Enum) 🍋

Available attributes for mapping.

Source code in geolime/base/
class Attribute(str, Enum):
    Available attributes for mapping.

    X           = "X"           # noqa: E-221
    Y           = "Y"           # noqa: E-221
    Z           = "Z"           # noqa: E-221
    X_BEGIN     = "X_B"         # noqa: E-221
    Y_BEGIN     = "Y_B"         # noqa: E-221
    Z_BEGIN     = "Z_B"         # noqa: E-221
    X_MID       = "X_M"         # noqa: E-221
    Y_MID       = "Y_M"         # noqa: E-221
    Z_MID       = "Z_M"         # noqa: E-221
    X_END       = "X_E"         # noqa: E-221
    Y_END       = "Y_E"         # noqa: E-221
    Z_END       = "Z_E"         # noqa: E-221
    DEPTH       = "DEPTH"       # noqa: E-221
    FROM        = "FROM"        # noqa: E-221
    TO          = "TO"          # noqa: E-221
    HOLEID      = "HOLEID"      # noqa: E-221
    AZIMUTH     = "AZIMUTH"     # noqa: E-221
    DIP         = "DIP"         # noqa: E-221
    GEOMETRY    = "geometry"    # noqa: E-221

AttributeSupportType (str, Enum) 🍋

Attribute support types.

Source code in geolime/base/
class AttributeSupportType(str, Enum):
    Attribute support types.

    NODE    = "GEOMETRY"    # noqa: E-221
    ELEMENT = "ELEMENT"     # noqa: E-221

Coord (str, Enum) 🍋

Available coordinates types.

Source code in geolime/base/
class Coord(str, Enum):
    Available coordinates types.

    X       = "X"        # noqa: E-221
    Y       = "Y"        # noqa: E-221
    Z       = "Z"        # noqa: E-221

    U       = "U"        # noqa: E-221
    V       = "V"        # noqa: E-221
    W       = "W"        # noqa: E-221

CovarianceType (int, Enum) 🍋

Covariances types id, used in julia-python data transfer.

Source code in geolime/base/
class CovarianceType(int, Enum):
    Covariances types id, used in julia-python data transfer.

    SPHERICAL   = 0    # noqa: E-221
    NUGGET      = 1    # noqa: E-221
    EXPONENTIAL = 2    # noqa: E-221
    GAUSSIAN    = 3    # noqa: E-221

DeclusteringGeometry (str, Enum) 🍋

Method used for moving window declustering.

Source code in geolime/base/
class DeclusteringGeometry(str, Enum):
    Method used for moving window declustering.


    BALL               = "BALL"            # noqa: E-221

DipDownward (str, Enum) 🍋

Convention used for dip sign downward.

Source code in geolime/base/
class DipDownward(str, Enum):
    Convention used for dip sign downward.

    POSITIVE  = "POSITIVE" # noqa: E-221
    NEGATIVE  = "NEGATIVE" # noqa: E-221

DrillholesInterpolationMethod (str, Enum) 🍋

Interpolation method available for drillholes contact filling from incomplete drillhole information.

Source code in geolime/base/
class DrillholesInterpolationMethod(str, Enum):
    Interpolation method available for drillholes contact filling
    from incomplete drillhole information.

    RBF     = "RBF"       # noqa: E-221
    NEAREST = "NEAREST"   # noqa: E-221

ExternalSurfaceInterpolationMethod (str, Enum) 🍋

External (ie: Scipy) Interpolation method available for surface creation from drillholes.

Source code in geolime/base/
class ExternalSurfaceInterpolationMethod(str, Enum):
    External (ie: Scipy) Interpolation method available for surface creation from drillholes.

    RBF     = "RBF"       # noqa: E-221
    NEAREST = "NEAREST"   # noqa: E-221

ExtrapolationMethod (str, Enum) 🍋

Extrapolation method for functions out of bounds.

Source code in geolime/base/
class ExtrapolationMethod(str, Enum):
    Extrapolation method for functions out of bounds.

    CONSTANT   = "CONSTANT"    # noqa: E-221
    NULL       = "NULL"        # noqa: E-221

GeolimeSurfaceInterpolationMethod (str, Enum) 🍋

GeoLime Interpolation method available for surface creation from drillholes.

Source code in geolime/base/
class GeolimeSurfaceInterpolationMethod(str, Enum):
    GeoLime Interpolation method available for surface creation from drillholes.

    SimpleKriging     = "SimpleKriging"       # noqa: E-221
    OrdinaryKriging   = "OrdinaryKriging"     # noqa: E-221

GridAxis (int, Enum) 🍋

Integer values for axis along available dimensions.

Source code in geolime/base/
class GridAxis(int, Enum):
    Integer values for axis along available dimensions.

    U = 0
    V = 1
    W = 2

NumericalConstants (float, Enum) 🍋

Global constants used in algorithms.

Source code in geolime/base/
class NumericalConstants(float, Enum):
    Global constants used in algorithms.

    GAUSSIAN_5_SIGMA = 1e-7     # noqa: E-221
    NDV_JULA         = -99999.  # noqa: E-221

PropertyKind (str, Enum) 🍋

Available property kind (see ObjectProperty class).

Source code in geolime/base/
class PropertyKind(str, Enum):
    Available property kind (see ObjectProperty class).

    USER_DEFINED    = "USER_DEFINED"    # noqa: E-221
    GEOMETRY        = "GEOMETRY"        # noqa: E-221
    INDEX           = "INDEX"           # noqa: E-221
    LENGTH          = "LENGTH"          # noqa: E-221
    HEIGHT          = "HEIGHT"          # noqa: E-221
    GRADE           = "GRADE"           # noqa: E-221
    ANGLE           = "ANGLE"           # noqa: E-221
    LABEL           = "LABEL"           # noqa: E-221
    # ... to complete

SurfaceEstimationMethod (str, Enum) 🍋

Method used for surface interpolation : elevation or thickness.

Source code in geolime/base/
class SurfaceEstimationMethod(str, Enum):
    Method used for surface interpolation : elevation or thickness.

    ELEVATION = "ELEVATION"    # noqa: E-221
    THICKNESS = "THICKNESS"    # noqa: E-221

TopologicalElementIndex (str, Enum) 🍋

Reserved names for topologial node index property.

Source code in geolime/base/
class TopologicalElementIndex(str, Enum):
    Reserved names for topologial node index property.

    V1  = "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V1__"         # noqa: E-221
    V2  = "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V2__"         # noqa: E-221
    V3  = "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V3__"         # noqa: E-221
    V4  = "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V4__"         # noqa: E-221
    V5  = "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V5__"         # noqa: E-221
    V6  = "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V6__"         # noqa: E-221
    V7  = "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V7__"         # noqa: E-221
    V8  = "__TOPO_ELEMENT_V8__"         # noqa: E-221

TopologicalElementType (int, Enum) 🍋

Available element type for Topology (follow .msh convention).

Source code in geolime/base/
class TopologicalElementType(int, Enum):
    Available element type for Topology
    (follow .msh convention).

    NDV         = -99999    # noqa: E-221
    EDGE        = 1         # noqa: E-221
    TRIANGLE    = 2         # noqa: E-221
    QUAD        = 3         # noqa: E-221
    TETRA       = 4         # noqa: E-221
    HEX         = 5         # noqa: E-221
    PRISM       = 6         # noqa: E-221
    PYRAMID     = 7         # noqa: E-221

TopologicalProperty (str, Enum) 🍋

String reserved property name for topological properties.

Source code in geolime/base/
class TopologicalProperty(str, Enum):
    String reserved property name for topological properties.

    TYPE    = "__TOPO_TYPE__"       # noqa: E-221
    LEVEL   = "__TOPO_LEVEL_"       # noqa: E-221

UnitKind (str, Enum) 🍋

Available units.

Source code in geolime/base/
class UnitKind(str, Enum):
    Available units.

    USER_DEFINED    = "USER_DEFINED"    # noqa: E-221
    LENGTH          = "LENGTH"          # noqa: E-221
    AREA            = "AREA"            # noqa: E-221
    ANGLE           = "ANGLE"           # noqa: E-221

VariographyMethod (str, Enum) 🍋

Variogram calculation methods.

Source code in geolime/base/
class VariographyMethod(str, Enum):
    Variogram calculation methods.

    COVARIOGRAM     = "COVARIOGRAM"     # noqa: E-221
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